Sweet potato wraps // Wraps Ă la patate douce
The recipe couldn't be easier : 3 ingredients is all you need!
And the great news is also that they are very easy, quick and cheap to make.
Now, one important step in this recipe, is cooking the sweet potatoes beforehand. There are a few different ways to do this :
- Roast whole in the oven : poke a few holes in the skin of the sweet potato with a fork, place it on a tray, and slide it in the oven at 180°C or 200°C for about 40 minutes (it may take more or less time depending on the size of the sweet potato). Once soft and cooked through, slide a knife through the middle, and simply scoop out the flesh. Obviously, don't turn the oven on just to cook one small sweet potato : try sliding it in while you're roasting of cooking something else to save energy.
- Steam it : peel and roughly chop your sweet potato, and cook in a steamer until soft, for about 15 to 20 minutes.
- Microwave it : I personally don't own a microwave and don't cook with it, but if that's your favourite way and also the quickest), go for it! Poke a few holes in the skin of the sweet potato, place on a plate in the microwave, and cook for about 8 to 10 minutes on high, or until soft and cooked through.
- Boil it : while possible, this is not a way I like to cook sweet potato, as I find that the vegetable soaks up a lot of water (which you don't want in this recipe), and the flavours get lost somehow.
Now that your sweet potato is cooked, place the slightly cooled flesh in a bowl, and measure out the flour, so you have the same weight of sweet potato and flour. Add a pinch of salt, and mix with your hands or a wooden spoon until getting a smooth dough that shouldn't be too sticky. Add a little more flour or water as needed to get a smooth consistency.
Divide, roll, and cook in a pan for a couple of minutes on each side.
Tip to keep them soft and pliable : put them in an airtight container, or in a tea towel as soon as they come off the pan. This way they'll keep on steaming, keeping them soft until you're ready to eat.
Storage : the wraps will keep for a few days in a bag or airtight container at room temperature. You can also freeze them for longer storage, so it's a good idea to make a big batch of them, and defrost as you need!
- Cuisson au four : percer plusieurs trous sur la peau de la patate douce Ă l'aide d'une fourchette, et placer la sur une plaque ou dans un plat. Cuire au four Ă 180°C ou 200°C pendant environ 40 minutes (le temps peut varier selon la taille de la patate douce). Lorsque la chair est cuite Ă coeur et tendre, couper la patate douce dans la longueur, et simplement retirer la chair de la peau Ă l'aide d'une cuillère. Bien sĂ»r, n'allumez pas votre four juste pour cuire une patate douce : profitez d'avoir le four allumĂ© pour un autre plat ou un gâteau, et glissez-y votre patate, afin d'Ă©conomiser l'Ă©nergie.
- Cuisson à la vapeur : éplucher la patate douce et la détailler en gros morceaux. Cuire à la vapeur pendant 15 minutes environ, jusqu'à ce que la chair soit bien tendre.
- Cuisson au micro-ondes : je n'ai pas de micro-ondes et n'ai pas l'habitude de cuisiner avec. Mais si vous êtes adeptes de ce mode de cuisson (qui est aussi très rapide), sachez qu'il est tout à fait possible de cuire la patate douce de cette façon. Percer plusieurs trous sur la peau de la patate douce à l'aide d'une fourchette, et placer la sur une assiette dans le micro-ondes. Cuire à puissance maximum pendant une dizaine de minutes, jusqu'à ce que la chair soit tendre.
- Cuisson à l'eau : bien que tout à fait faisable, je ne recommande pas vraiment ce mode de cuisson pour la patate douce, car le légume a tendance à se gorger d'eau, et à perdre en saveur.
For 4 wraps
150 g sweet potato
150 g flour (+ a little extra for rolling)
Pinch of salt